Today we went to Jordyn's school one last time,
walking in to the office I realized just how this
school has been there for both of my girls, has
provided them a safe place to be a teen, to make
friends, to learn how to be a responsible young
adult, and to give them the education needed to
succeed at whatever they choose to do in life.

This is the handfull of things we returned
home with today. Her 1st Class Honor Roll
certificate, the plaque for Outstanding
Acheivement in Yearbook, as not only did
she take the course, but then she also peer
tutored in it the second semester, leaving a
lasting impression on her teacher. We also
got both the pamplets from the awards ceremony
since we missed being able to go to it. Something
about seeing your childs name on print, even as
small as a pamplet, makes your heart swell with
pride. Her report card was also included, and she
graduated from grade 12 with straight A's for her
senior year. What's not to be proud of there.

She also was given a silver medal in the poetry contest
for her grade, and her poem was published into the
Sounds of the Swamp book, which she received today,
and because she was the silver medalist, her poem
was on the second page of the book. :)

I have taken a picture of her poem for you to read
if you wish, I had never read it before, I know, bad
mom, but it was so much better to read it for the
first time in the book. Another proud moment for
me as a mom.

so all that being said, I can't be more proud
of you Jordyn and all you've accomplished in
the 5 years of high school. Great job, and
can't wait to see what you accomplish next.