Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yummy dessert

Doesn't this look delicious??? Believe me, it sure was!

Jordyn wanted to make us dessert the other night, and

since she has just learned how to boil water, lol, not that

basic, but scrambled eggs and pancakes, have been her

staple cooking items this summer, she wanted to try

to make us crepes. Now for those of you who have ever

attempted to make crepes, you know it can be tricky

getting them thin enought to call crepes, and also not

to break when you are flipping them. Well she did a great

job, maybe a tad bit thick, but still yummy, and inside,

she had Nutella, banana's and strawberry, so good.

Thanks Jordyn for an awesome dessert, can't wait to

taste other yummy things in the near future.

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