Monday, December 26, 2011

Dec 26th

When I made my Dec Daily, I was following Ali Edwards lead and only did pages up til the 25th. But today I decided since boxing Day shopping isn't always something we do, I would add an extra day to my album so I could make a fun entry about the craziness of it all. We planned our day last night, left the house at 5:45am and headed right to the electronic stores, Future Shop, Best Buy and Walmart, all looking for TV DVD boxsets....lots of the ones on our lists were found for good deals, some were not. For Amy and Tim, a trip to EB games rounded out their shopping for the day, while for me Walmart and London Drugs were my stores of choice. I managed to get lots of paper and ribbon for next Christmas, some sales on my favorite treats and even a great deal on a pair of boots...the only thing is, Jordyn worked today and didn't come with us.

Here's a look at all the bags and stuff one we came home with it all.

Me and all my goodies :)

Tim with all his great deals....and he has been playing Skyrim since we got home.

And Amy, well, she did the most shopping with tons of DVD's and Games...

Tim and I have wanted a Espresso machine for a while, so the money my dad sent us and Linda's gift we managed to buy a machine without spending too much of our own money.

We got home with the truck so full of stuff that only Linda could fit in the back of the truck with it all, and Amy was squished up front with us...I do have a photo of the truck on my iphone which I will get off and print for the actual page. It took two trips each for us to get it all into the house, and then at least half hour each to go through it all, and show each other our loot. We spent 6 hours shopping and by the time we got home just after noon, we were all ready for a nap.

Jordyn had to work today from 8 am until 4pm and decided to stay at the mall for a while to get a bit of her own Boxing Day shopping done, so when she got home, I sat with her and Amy and we checked out her newest goodies...lots of stuff from Bath and Body Works, and 3 books which were on sale as well, plus some Purdy's chocolates, gotta love chocolate on sale for half price. :)

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