Wednesday, March 2, 2011


well I seem to be off to a good start, today I actually had many options of what I wanted my picture of the day to be. I worked on bookkeeping most of the day, so there was option one, I did all the sheets and blankets, option two, we went for Jordyn's grad dress fitting, option three and so on. Today was one of those days where it could be anything...but here's what I decided would be the photo of the day.........

This is the vanity that used to be in Jordyn's room. Since I don't have a desk and she didn't have room for it, I have been using it in the kitchen, but it was very dirty and worn looking, so I painted it yesterday and now I have a nice little corner in the kitchen for the phone etc.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Looks professional :)
