When we found out the UFC was going to make a return to Vancouver, we were really wanting to go, since last year it had sold out so quickly. And once again, the tickets sold out asap. Tim decided to search on Stub Hub and managed to get us seats, although up in the rafters, but still reasonably priced that we could go. As the even grew closer, Tim became a UFC Fight Club member online, and that allowed for us to participate in some exclusive things the UFC was putting on while here. We got to go to a Q & A with a fighter, Stephan Bonnar, see all the fighter weigh ins, and do meet and greets with different fighters at Venues around Vancouver.

The first rule of fight club is...you don't talk about
fight club, good thing I'm not a member then eh? :D

After the weigh ins, we were lucky enough to get
to meet Joe Rogan and Tim got his picture taken with
him. He was very friendly and outgoing and took the
time with many fans to chat and for photo ops.

The Octagon Nation has a big rig that
sets up when the UFC is in town, and has
a mini museum set up in it, a UFC store
and also had fighters doing signings and
photo ops. I posed with the title belt, and
it was actually pretty heavy. I couldn't imagine
wearing it around my waist.

The day of the fights, Tim and I proudly
wore our Canadian power UFC t's and
stood for a picture at home before we left.
This is how high up we were in Roger's Arena,
actually just one row down from the very top,
but still a good straight view for us. I asked the
guy behind us to snap a picture of us with the
octagon in the background.
What an amazing weekend we had, a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable experience we won't soon forget. We met great people both from the UFC, models, and other fans while waiting in the line up. The MMA Expo was also another oppurtunity to meet and get photos taken and was well worth the price of admission. For a first time fight experience, we can honestly say we took in as much as we could, and even though some of the fights didn't end the with the winner we wanted, the event was well put on and highly entertaining.
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