I know, I know...I've been bad and it's been 3 days since I uploaded my POTD's...my bad! So here's how I've seen things these past few days :)
Tired of the blah rainy westcoast weather,
I bought myself some flowers to brighten
our kitchen. So pretty, flowers always
make me smile. :D

Before any one wonders if this is about
POLITICS, it IS NOT!!! but since we
have an election coming up, everytime
I've seen this sign, I always think about
our friend down in California. Mike is
great, and seeing this sign makes me smile.
(PS I couldn't tell you anything about the
Mike this refers too, lol!!)

My early birthday gift to myself. I have wanted
a Cricuit for quite some time, and when I saw it
at Walmart on rollback for $120 less then normal,
I couldn't resist. And then I got the 2 cartridges
for only $29 each on clearance. Big score for me!