To get to this point of enjoying my daily mocha, there is a lot of decision making I must do. Work days are pretty easy as I only use my Starbucks travel mug and there is never any whipped cream then....but bring on the weekend or a random day off in the week, and well, there are some decision's to be made. Which of my many mugs do I use? for those of you who don't know me well enough, there are lots to choose from, of my personal starbucks collection I have at least 10 then I also have my Vegas mug and my Disneyland mug...and then after the mug has been decided on, then it's which International Delight coffee milk, hazelnut, french vanilla, southern pecan or butter toffee, or as of right now, a special edition Dolce de leche.....yummy. So after I've made all my choices, I boil the water, add 4 scoops of hot chocolate (and only the milk chocolate) a little spoon of instant coffee to make it a mocha then my flavoring and then whipped creme. And yes, it is definetely worth all the effort. Starts my day off on a yummy note!!!

This is just a sampling of all the things I must decide before enjoying my daily beverage. Crazy, well maybe just a little. It's one of my many quirks that makes me special. :)
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