Sunday, March 13, 2011

Newest Layouts

Had to do this LO, too funny a story not to!

I actually changed the saturation on these photos to
give them a more aged looked to match the paper I
used. Simply put, Jordyn loves babies and can't wait
till we go see friends with them. :)

Just a fun LO to scrap about the women
whom I have grown to be friends with
from my scrap board.

I am so lucky that Tim has started letting
me take pictures of him over the last few years.
I enjoy scrapping them as much as possible.

This is my favorite LO of the bunch.
I love Erika and look forward to her
yearly letters since we live away from
each other. This LO was done with her
actual letter from this past Christmas,
and a photo from the year before. I
simple added to her wonderful artwork
and created a LO in which I made a pocket
behind it to include all the other letters I have.


  1. Great work Jo!!
    Love the babies! ;) Nice to see all you gals again.
    Fabulous work!! (see all that scrappy stuff was inspiring wasn't it??)

  2. Lovely layouts! The Starbucks one is super cute!

  3. wow! I love your layouts! That's so TOTALLY COOL that you have a layout of our Christmas cards - I am honoured that you cherish them :)
    Oh, and I wish I lived by Jordyn so that she could nanny Evalie one day!!!!

  4. Oh my gosh!! you have been busy!! LOVING all the LO's =)
